


Q1 有機食物比較營養?

A1 有機食物確實較能保留營養,以下佐證。

  1. 台大農藝系教授郭華仁指出,2008至2014年間,類似有關有機食物的統合分析研究指出:

    (1) 不好成分部分:慣行農法食物含不好成分較多(農藥、抗生素),慣行肉品有較多抗生素菌。

    (2) 有益健康成分:指出有機食品有益成分較多,總酚類化合物、磷含量都顯著較高,肉品的不飽和脂肪酸Omega-3也顯著較高,維生素A、C略高。

  2. 郭華仁教授歸納總結這些研究分析結果:

    (1) 有機食物所含的不好物laennec質,如農藥、抗生素、硝酸鹽較少,部分有益健康的物質較多,顯示吃有機確實對維持身體健康有益。

    (2) 有機農產品的硝酸鹽含量低,而蔬菜的多酚含量比較高。硝酸鹽進入人體可能轉換為亞硝胺,導致癌症;多酚具備抗氧化、預防癌症的條件。

  3. 其他相關調查研究也指出,土壤的品質已經被現代工業化農業(慣行農法)所破壞,所生產的食物,其中鐵、鈣、鈉、銅、鎂、硒含量下降約50%;


Q2 癌症治療中,需要戒除酒類和咖啡等飲品嗎?

A2 如果處於急性期,建議還是不要喝酒、喝咖啡,因為酒和咖啡會增加新陳代謝的負擔。



Q3 癌症飲食一定要全素嗎?

A3 我被診斷得到肺癌後,一開始就是吃全素,後來發現我吃素的方法錯了。





Cancer diet


When counseling cancer patients, I found that everyone had a lot of doubts about eating and drinking. So I sorted out some of the questions in the counseling case and the cancer nutrition course, and explained that I hope to relieve some doubts.

Q1 Organic food is more nutritious?

A1 Organic foods are indeed more nutritious, as evidenced below.

Guo Huaren, a professor at the Department of Agronomy at National Taiwan University, pointed out that between 2008 and 2014, a comprehensive analysis of organic foods indicated that:

(1) Poor ingredients: Customary farming methods contain more ingredients (pesticide, antibiotics), and more commonly used antibiotics.

(2) Good health ingredients: It is pointed out that organic foods have more beneficial ingredients, total phenolic compounds and phosphorus content are significantly higher, and the unsaturated fatty acid Omega-3 of meat is also significantly higher, vitamin A and C are slightly higher.

Professor Guo Huaren summarized the results of these research analyses:

(1) Bad substances contained in organic foods, such as pesticides, antibiotics, and nitrates, and some healthful substances are more, indicating that eating organic is indeed beneficial to maintaining good health.

(2) Organic agricultural products have low nitrate content, while vegetables have higher levels of polyphenols. Nitrogen enters the human body and may be converted into nitrosamines, which cause cancer; polyphenols have anti-oxidation and cancer-preventing conditions.

Other relevant research studies have also pointed out that the quality of soil has been destroyed by modern industrial agriculture (customized farming method), and the food produced, in which the content of iron, calcium, sodium, copper, magnesium and selenium decreased by about 50%;

Tomatoes grown in farming methods have a lack of calcium, vitamin A, iron, protein, vitamin C, phosphorus, and vitamin B3. Potatoes grown in farming methods are vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, vitamin B2, calcium, and vitamin B1. The lack of content.

Q2 Do you need to quit alcohol and coffee in cancer treatment?

A2 If you are in the acute phase, it is recommended not to drink or drink coffee, because alcohol and coffee will increase the burden of metabolism.

However, if it is a very small amount, the influence may be limited. If a small amount of drinking can make you feel happy and make you feel that life is more meaningful, it doesn't matter, but it must not be excessive.

Tea also contains a small amount of caffeine, because the sympathetic nerves of cancer patients are usually too hyperactive, and if you increase the intake of caffeine, it will make the sympathetic nerves more aggressive. If you want to drink tea, it is best to drink organic green tea. Because of the high content of catechins in green tea, it has been found to have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects in research.

Q3 Is the cancer diet vegan?

A3 After I was diagnosed with lung cancer, I started eating vegan. Later I found that my vegetarian diet was wrong.

Vegetarian food is not bad, but it must match the body. When I was vegetarian, I ate too much carbohydrate food, but I didn't mix it with balanced nutrition, which led to excessive intake of carbohydrates, and insufficient intake of oil and protein, so this is one of the reasons for my suspected recurrence.

Vegetarians should eat properly and eat good vegetarian foods. The first thing to notice is that there are many processed vegetarian products on the market. These should be avoided. The principle should be based on organic raw food. Vegetable oil containing Omega-3 should be added enough.

In addition, carbohydrates that are more likely to produce sugar, such as rice, pasta and roots of staple foods, should be controlled in moderation. In this regard, nutrition experts should be consulted if necessary.

If you are a vegetarian diet since childhood, then cancer diet is generally feasible, but I don't think the cancer diet must be vegan, because there is no definitive medical research to prove the association between vegetarians and cancer.

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